Today is a public holiday for Selangor, moreover it was raining in the late evening, therefore can't avoid from the terrible traffic jam.
As usual, it took me about 20 minutes to move from Jalan Bintang to the road infront of Pudu Jail(though the distance is less than 1km). While waiting for the green light, I managed to read a short article in the latest issue of Eye Asia. That is an interesting story about how to think out of the box: how are you going to sell a comb to a monk? If you are creative enough, share with me on your suggestion(s).
The traffic jam is quite serious, so I decided to listen to my "Mangala Sutta" CD. I think this is a good choice for those who are trapped in the traffic jam, it makes me feels calm and delightful, I am not sure whether it can work for you. While appreciating the Sutta, I turned to my right hand side and saw the Masjid Albukhary, this white building looks more beautiful with lighting, quite charming...that's the beauty of being a Malaysian; we may enjoy the cross cultural assets simultaneously.
What I will further recommend is to listen to the sutta again and again until you reach home. By doing so, we may be able to realize how's easily we get bored, we just can't concentrate and stick to the same/ repetitious music, song or situation. The process of "endurance" is also the process of meditation in daily life.
Btw, today is Thursday and it is my group sitting day in the Vipassana Centre, Jason is waiting for me there.