Sunday, December 7, 2008

Painting Day

Today is a "Painting Day" for both of us. We have been staying in this house for about 4 years when we first moved in on the 26th Dec 2004.

Before the painting, you can see the rust clearly. It definitely needs some new paint over it.

We started painting after our breakfast at about 10:00am. The first round of paint took us 4 hours to complete. Poh Lain had actually wiped out some dirts on the grills the day before. We had a 2 hours break for our lunch and some rest. We started again at 4:30pm for the 2nd round of painting to touch up those area which we left out. It looks better when there are 2 layers of paint on it. Our mission accomplished at 7:00pm and we celebrated by eating steamboat in a nearby restaurant in Kota Kemuning.

Poh Lain in action !

See the difference before and after the painting !

It is even nicer when decorated with my green plants

Nice or not? It is definitely worth our efforts.

1 comment:

Alex said...

Oh...yellow or duckshitgreen is your new theme now? ^^ I LIKE IT!